Basics Research in School Improvement

The goal of this type of research in school improvement is to precisely measure, describe and analyze methods, processes, mechanisms, and logics of improvement processes in schools as well as their interactions and effects. In our basics-oriented research in school improvement, we focus primarily on the following research questions:

  • How can the dynamics and micro-processes of interactions between actors (e.g. principals, teachers) and their actions be best described?
  • How do these dynamics and micro-processes shape the improvement of schools?
  • What factors play a role in sustaining the capacity of schools to improve?
  • What impact do school leaders and steering groups have on school improvement processes and sustaining school improvement capacity?
  • How can unplanned development, or evolution in schools be described?



  • Systematic Review zum Organisationalen Lernen in der Schule 


Brauckmann, S, Geißler, G., Feldhoff, T. & Pashiardis, P. (2016). Instructional Leadership in Germany: An evolutionary perspective. International Studies in Educational Administration, 44, (2), 5–20.

Feldhoff, T (2017). Was wissen wir über die Lernfähigkeit von Schulen? In: U. Steffens, K. Maag Merki & H. Fend (Eds.). Aktuelle Befunde und Perspektiven der Schulqualitäts- und Schulentwicklungsforschung. Grundlagen der Qualität von Schule 2. (pp. 185-208) Münster: Waxmann.

Feldhoff, T. (2011). Schule organisieren. Der Beitrag von Steuergruppen und Organisationalem Lernen zur Schulentwicklung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.