Research Focus No. 2: School Effectiveness, and Teaching Quality

School effectiveness and quality of instruction are the second focus of our center. School effectiveness research focuses on identifying factors at school-level and class-level, which are related to (mainly cognitive and motivational) student outcomes. At the same time, research on teaching quality attempts to identify factors at class-level that have an impact on student outcomes.

Our research in the field of school effectiveness and teaching quality is guided by the following exemplary research questions:

  • What is the relation between school effectiveness enhancing factors and factors enhancing teaching quality? Furthermore, what impact do those relations have on student outcomes (e.g. subject-related student learning and motivation)?
  • What significance do factors at different levels within the multi-level school system (i.e. individual, class, school, school system) have on school effectiveness and quality of instruction?
  • How do school effectiveness and quality of instruction change over time? How does their relation to school outcomes change over time?
  • What influence does digitalization, such as the use of tablets in the classroom, have on quality of teaching (e.g., cognitive student activation) and on student outcomes?




Feldhoff, T & Radisch, F. (2017). Messung von Schulqualität. In: Ulrich Steffens, Katharina Maag Merki & Helmut Fend (Eds.). Aktuelle Befunde und Perspektiven der Schulqualitäts- und Schulentwicklungsforschung. Grundlagen der Qualität von Schule 2. (pp. 135-158) Münster: Waxmann.